Recently I had the opportunity to explore one of the Disney Cruise Line ships. Disney’s cruise ships are beautiful, so needless to say I was pretty excited.
The tour lasted five hours, so we were able to see quite a bit that the ship has to offer. One of the cool facts about the ship is that it was Disney’s first cruise ship, which is why Mickey is the statue you see when you enter lobby. The first thing I noticed, however, was the beautiful chandelier on the ceiling and you can get better view of it on the upper floors.
The Lobby
There is a lot to see in the lobby itself, such as the glass section of the elevator that lets guests look out as they travel up three floors (look for hidden Mickey’s in the pattern), the different characters on the panels that border the lobby, the characters on the railings, and more.

The lobby is open for three floors, so it feels very open when you walk onto the ship. There are little balconies on the upper floors that let you overlook the lobby and they give great views and photo opportunities too. There is also plenty of seating around the lobby area with big windows to look out of while you are relaxing.
Since it was close to Halloween when we took the tour there were Halloween decorations around the ship. In the lobby there was the magical pumpkin tree with jack-o-lanterns hanging from it and the windows had jack-o-lantern faces on them. In other areas of the ship there were spiderwebs on the windows.
We were told that there is a theme to the carpets (because it’s Disney, so of course there is) and it’s a pretty cute theme. Starting on the lower decks the carpet is supposed to symbolized being on the ocean floor, but as you go up to different decks the carpet changes, getting you closer to land. Leave it to Disney to be that creative with the carpets!

After Hours (Deck 3)
After checking out the lobby we started the tour by getting a peak inside the After Hours pubs and nightclubs. The ship has some great choices for adults to grab a drink enjoying different entertainment. The first place we saw was Fathoms. I loved the benches and tables set inside the wall and the colors in this venue. In addition to the seating on back wall there is plenty of seating throughout the whole club. All the seating faces the stage at the front of the room where entertainers perform nightly. There are signature drinks available with fun ocean themes to the names, including Blue Tang, Anemone, and the Black Pearl.
Next up was O’Gills Pub. The theme is inspired by pubs you might find in Dublin. So, there’s lots of dark wood and brass accents. It’s also very green, with 4 leaf clovers on the carpets. This After Hours pub offers nightly entertainment too, like trivia, and there’s plenty of seating in here, as well. Guests have many different seating options, including game tables, rounded booths, and seating by the big windows. It definitely has a nice relaxing feel to it. So if you’re looking for a good place to get a drink and just sit and chat this is a good place for that.
The last After Hours place we were shown was Keys, which is a 1950s inspired piano bar. Unfortunately, it was not “show ready” so no pictures were allowed. I can tell you though that it does look like an old Hollywood style piano bar. It’s upscale decor makes it a great place for couples to enjoy a drink and an evening of classic tunes played on the piano.
So those are the three nightclubs and lounges that are in the After Hours area on Deck 3. The environments and themes are all different, so everyone should be able to find one that appeals to them. I recommend checking them all out though, because the themes are fun and the decor in each place is very nice. Plus, you get a different experience at each place.
Part two of the tour will cover the rooms that we saw while on the tour. Spoiler alert, they were really nice!
If you’re thinking about taking a Disney cruise, and are looking for help, I can help you book and plan your vacation. Feel free to contact me for a quote!
Have you been on a Disney cruise?
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