I was fortunate enough to get a spot during a preview of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for Annual Passholders. I had seen videos and pictures before seeing the new land, and it looked impressive, but it was amazing to see in person.
Honestly, I think any Disney fan would have fun exploring this land. It’s so immersive and there is an incredible amount of detail everywhere you look. Guests really don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to appreciate walking around Batuu.
Since there is so much to cover with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, I’m going to break it up into different topics. The fist topic up is the character interactions in Batuu.
The characters are really fun to watch and to interact with. For those that don’t know a lot about Star Wars, don’t worry about that when seeing the characters. You don’t have to know background stories for the characters, because the characters in Batuu don’t know anything about the Star Wars movies. If you mention Star Wars, they will ask you what that is with a very confused look on their face.
The first characters I saw when I entered Batuu were Rey and Chewie. It looked like they were working on a ship and Rey was fully concentrating on fixing it. Chewie got distracted when he saw us all watching them at the barrier and he came over to say hi. It’s interactions like this that I thought were a lot of fun.
Beware though, because the Storm Troopers are out and they have no problem asking for your ID. They were fun to watch interacting with the guests. Guests played along with the characters, which added to the total immersive feeling in this new land.
Kylo Ren has also been spotted in Batuu. I did not see him while I was there, but the land is big. So it is very possible he was wandering around in a different section than where I was. I’ve seen pictures and videos of him interacting with guests and he looks just as entertaining as the other characters.
Keep in mind, there are no character meet and greets in this area. The characters are wandering around, playing their roles, but they will interact with guests. I’m not sure how this is going to go once the land is officially open, because you don’t want the characters to get swarmed by people. Part of the fun is watching them live their life on Batuu.
During this trip multiple cast members mentioned an onboarding system that Disney has said will be put in place when the land is open. Guests would have to be in the park before they could make their onboarding reservation, but this will reserve them a spot in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. This sounds like an attempt at crowd control, which is good.
Cast members are characters in the land, as well. They each have a role to play, related to where they are working. Every cast member I came in contact with did a great job with their role. I highly recommend talking to as many cast members as you can, you will have some fun conversations.
Which character are you most excited to see?
Thanks for reading!
I like this kind of character interaction. When we went in the spring we enjoyed seeing the rare characters in the square on main street at Magic Kingdom. It was a more fun interaction and easier to see them, sign a book, get a picture, and move on. I would love to see more of this throughout the parks. A nice break from the long lines. We even saw Foulfellow (Honest John) playing checkers with someone for a while in front of the hat store by Tony’s! He started cheating of course!
I agree, Doug. I really like this type of character interaction. It’s fun to see them acting out their roles and stories. And that’s a great story about Honest John! What a fun interaction to have in Magic Kingdom. 🙂