This week’s ears in the spotlight are part of the Disney Parks Designer Collection.
This ear hat has artwork by Dave Perillo all over it. The artwork covers both the hat and the ears, so everywhere you look on this pair you will see some part of the design. It also plays music, which sets it apart from other ear hats and headbands.
The ears on this hat are plastic and they go along with the musical theme. On one ear there are musical notes and the word Mickey, and on the second ear there are also musical notes and the word Mouse. The back of the ears have the opposite words on each ear, also with musical notes.

While there is no bow on these ears, there is quite a bit of detail on the hat. A satin material covers the hat and it includes artwork of Mickey playing instruments. The scene wraps around the entire hat to the back.

The fun feature for this pair of ears is the fact that it plays music. Just flip the switch and the ears will start playing Mickey Mouse March. In addition to the music, since the hat is part of the designer collection, it comes in a storage bag and a display box with magnetic closure and velvet bed. So these ears are definitely meant to be displayed.

They are a bit more expensive than regular ears, so the price is something to take into consideration with this pair. However, if you are a collector of ear hats and headbands these would make a nice addition to the collection.
- Price: $58.00
- Availability:
- shopDisney.com
- Select Locations on Disney World Property
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
Thanks for reading!