Today was the day for the release of Disney’s new itinerary system for the My Disney Experience app. So Disney Genie and Genie+ are now available for guests to use and explore.
More options are available when a Walt Disney World Resort hotel reservation is linked to the account, but there are things everyone can see. I don’t have a hotel reservation booked right now, but I could play around with it a little bit. From what I could explore with this new feature it looks like it’s got some helpful things. The tip board will let you know when the next Genie+ Lightning Lane window is available for each ride. It also lets you know the cost for the Individual Lightning Lane rides. The prices seem to range from $7 to $15 depending on the ride.
Once a vacation is booked and linked to the app, guests use the “Top Picks” option to choose their favorite attractions. Then when in the parks the app will update and give wait times and suggestions based on the Top Picks. It’s a feature that could definitely be helpful while in the parks.
Judging from how quickly some of the Individual Lightning Lane selections filled up, it seems like a good amount of people are ok paying extra to skip the lines for the really popular rides. Just a reminder that you don’t have to purchase Genie+ in order to buy the individual ride passes.
The menu on the My Disney Experience app still has a lot of the same options. The My Plans option is now the new My Day option for Disney Genie. The Tip Board has also been added to the main menu. There’s still a separate section to view the hotel reservation, which has a lot of information in that section. Guests can still get to the hotel section from the home screen of the app, just scroll down a little bit.
Like anything that’s new, it will take a bit to get used to. There are definitely some features that will be helpful to guests, especially for guests who don’t visit Disney World often. I would definitely recommend looking over everything in the app before visiting the parks, so you know everything that can be done through the app.
What new features on the app will you be using during your next trip?
Thanks for reading!
We are going to Disneyland the week after Thanksgiving. I am interested to see how it works.
The map with wait times is still on my app. It is the icon at the bottom of the screen just to the left of the home icon. Wait times, restaurants, bathrooms, etc.
Thanks Doug! I’ll have to look for that, I didn’t see it. I’ll update the article. I appreciate the info.
I meant to the right of the house icon. Oops
I see it now, no idea how I missed that. (Insert face palm) Thanks again for letting me know!