Last year, the Flights of Wonder show in Animal Kingdom was reimagined to a new show starring Russell and Dug from “Up!” Now, in addition to the new show another friend from “Up!” will be heading to Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
Disney has announced that Kevin will be arriving at Animal Kingdom sometime next month. It doesn’t sound like she is going to be a part of the show with Russell and Dug, but will instead be roaming around Discovery Island. No other details were included, but we’ll keep you updated when more info is released.
I’m wondering if this is going to be a meet and greet or if it’s going to be more like Bunsen and Beaker who come out periodically in Epcot. My guess is this is going to be more like seeing Bunsen and Beaker in Epcot, but I don’t know for sure. Either way I think this is going to be a fun character addition to the park and definitely one to watch out for when in Animal Kingdom!
Are you excited for this character addition?
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