Today’s featured photo takes us to the 50’s Prime Time Cafe in Hollywood Studios.
This is one of my favorite restaurants to visit in Disney World. The theme, the cast members, and the food make it a fun place to visit.
The Theme
When you walk into the restaurant it’s like you are walking into a home from the 50’s. Between the furniture, the black and white TVs at the tables, and the rest of the decorations, it definitely feels like you are in a 50’s kitchen.
While you are sitting at your formica table on your vinyl chair you will be waited on by cast members that are part of the family. So your waiter or waitress could be your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. and it’s a lot of fun! Of course, you have to be willing to play along to have fun. If this sort of interactive restaurant does not sound appealing to you then I would skip it.
Since the cast members are family they will have no problem telling you to keep your elbows off the table or to finish all your vegetables. If you don’t follow the proper etiquette then you might be in for a talk from Uncle Fred. On the other hand, if you finish your meal you can be a part of the Clean Plate Club.
The Food
The menu is filled with a bunch of different comfort food, and who doesn’t like comfort food? Guests will find things like Mom’s Old Fashioned Pot Roast, Aunt Liz’s Golden Fried Chicken, and Grandma’s Chicken Pot Pie on the menu. I’ve had the fried chicken and the pot roast and both were really good. There are a lot of delicious sounding items on the menu though, so it’s fun to try something new at each visit.
If you are looking for an alcoholic beverage you can pick something from Dad’s Liquor Cabinet. You will find things like Fireball Cockatil, Pina CoLAVA, or the Godiva Chocolate Martini on the list. You can also pull up a stool at the Tune-In Lounge, which is the restaurant’s bar next door.
To finish the meal they have a nice list of desserts and milkshakes. One of the most popular milkshakes they serve is the Peanut Butter and Jelly Milkshake. I have not tried it yet, but it’s definitely on the list for the next time we eat there. It’s got quite the following! The last time I was there the dessert menu was on a ViewMaster. I don’t know if this is still true, but I really hope it is. That was the best way to read a menu have seen yet!
The Cast Members
The cast members who work at the 50’s Prime Time Cafe are awesome. They have characters they are supposed to portray and they do it very well. It’s a very entertaining place to eat. Plus, with all the activity from the cast members it gets all the diners involved and socializing. I love that part about it, because it’s always fun to meet new people.
What I said above about keeping your elbows off the table and finishing your vegetables is true. The cast members will not hesitate to call you out on your “offenses.” They do dole out punishments for those that misbehave, but that’s one of those things that gets people talking and laughing together. It’s just a fun place to eat and that is due to the cast members who work there.
It’s been a little while since I have eaten at the 50’s Prime Time Cafe, but I love it. It’s a really fun experience and I would recommend it to anyone. Again, you have to be willing to play along to enjoy the atmosphere, but it’s worth it.
This week’s featured photo kind of turned into an unintentional review of the restaurant, but there you have it. Hope you enjoyed!
Have you ever eaten at the 50’s Prime Time Cafe?
Thanks for reading!
Yes, I have eaten at the Prime Time cafe a few times and agree it is a fun place to eat at. The food is really good too! I love the fried chicken!!
Me too, Claudia! Ever since I wrote the post I have been craving their fried chicken!