It has been so much fun writing about Disney World these past couple of years. I’ve been hoping to add more voices to the posts, so I’m very happy to announce that there will be another author on the website very soon!
I’d like to say a big “Welcome Aboard!” to my friend Steph, who will be writing some posts for us. Steph is a fellow Disney enthusiast and has been to both Disney World and Disneyland. She has also run the Goofy during Marathon Weekend at Disney World. Right there she can give you guys some insight that I am not able to give. Frankly, I’m lucky if I can run for 30 seconds straight
She is also extremely crafty. Recently she texted me a picture of the cutest crocheted Cinderella. Another area I’m not fantastic in and I look forward to her fun craft posts!
Steph and I have been friends for years and I’m so happy that she has decided to come on board with us. She’s done some behind the scenes stuff, like taking pictures and videos, but it will be nice to have her writing for the website too!
Find out more about Steph, like what some of her Disney favorites are, in the About Us section.
Thanks for reading!
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