The ears in the spotlight are a really cute pair that brings the song “Under the Sea” to mind.
If you have a Little Mermaid fan in the family then this is a perfect pair for them. Between the colors and the sequins on the ears there is no mistaking who these fun ears represent.
Translucent blue and green sequins cover both of the ears on the front and back. The bigger sequins make the ears look like they are covered in scales, like the ones on Ariel’s tail. They have a shimmer to them too, which is pretty.

The bow on these is adorable too. Each side of the bow is supposed to look like a purple shell and they’re connected by a metallic gold knot. The purple mixed with the blue/green of the ears make it easy to see that they represent Ariel.

A metallic blue material covers the outside of the headband and a nonslip material of the same color covers the inside. There’s a shimmer to both materials and on one side of the headband is an embroidered dinglehopper.
These ears are super cute. The bigger sequins are so pretty on these ears and the shimmer of the blue/green sequins makes me think of water sparkling in the sunlight. These would be a good addition to any ear hat/headband collection.
- Availability:
- Select Locations on Disney World Property
- shopDisney.com
- Cost: $29.99
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
Thanks for reading!