This week’s ears in the spotlight are perfect for any 2023 graduate and they’re on sale now!
Do you have a Disney fan that has graduated and want to give them something a little extra special? This Mickey ear graduation cap will do the trick. Disney releases these every year and they’re pretty popular with Disney fans. Plus, since we’re in graduation season, these ears are now available for a great sale price
The ears on this hat are the basic black, plush ears. There are no sequins or designs on them, but this hat does not need that. Leaving the ears as is gives it the classic Mickey ear hat look.

The hat is made from a blue, twill fabric and topped with a mortar board that the ears sit on. “Class of 2023” is embroidered on the front of the hat and on the back is an adjustable closure with a lace tie. Lastly, the hat has a golden tassel with a “2023” charm on it.

This hat is so cute and I love that they release a new one each year. Even if the person you would like to purchase this for has already graduated, it’s still a cute gift and something they can keep with all their graduation memorabilia.
- Availability
- shopDisney.com
- Select locations on Disney property
- Cost:
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
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