I know when people hear the word souvenir preceded with the word Disney dollar signs usually start to appear in their head, but not all Disney souvenirs have to be expensive. Of course, it also depends on how many souvenirs you end up buying, but individual souvenirs don’t have to be that expensive. So, here is a list of some of the less expensive mementos you can bring home from your trip.
5. Pressed Pennies
Not long ago I wrote a post about all the pressed penny machines that Disney has on property, but it definitely fits in this post, as well. At 51 cents this is pretty much the cheapest souvenir you can get (unless you count the free pens, pads, and bath products you can take from you room). There are hundreds of these machines to choose from all over Disney property and each one has three or four different images to choose from. We loved the pressed penny machines and my daughter loved picking out the image and helping to turn the crank. It’s fun, cheap, and kids love these things! Check out the post for more info.
In my mind, this is the best Disney souvenir, because it is most associated with Disney souvenirs. Plus they are so much fun to wear! I say “headgear”, because I am not just talking about Mickey ears. There are so many different options that are offered now!
On the last trip I bought a pretty fancy looking headband and, yes, it has feathers and it’s sparkly. On another trip I bought a safari type hat (I cannot currently find this hat, which is why there is no picture of it), my husband has an Indiana Jones hat he bought on our 2011 trip, there is a Tinker Bell baseball cap from my 2007 trip, and each of the kids have their own set of Mickey ears.
The ears, hats, and headbands are all over Disney property. It is really hard to get too far anywhere in Disney without running into a store or cart that has headgear for sale and the number of styles that are available is amazing. Seriously, it is crazy how many styles there are to choose from. That can make it a little hard to pick just one, but it is so much fun too look at all the styles and designs!