Yesterday I posted the above picture and asked for guesses as to where the display is located. There were some really good guesses and a couple people got it right!
The display in the picture is located in the lab area of the Avatar Flight of Passage queue line. It’s in the big circular structure in the middle of the room, which you will see pretty much right when you enter the room. There’s quite a bit to see in the lab room, so take a look around while you are waiting in line. The detail in this area (and the whole queue line) is classic Disney and it’s very immersive.
Avatar Flight of Passage is known for having some crazy wait times. I had only ever used a FastPass to ride Flight of Passage, but this time the wait was below 90 minutes, so my friend and I decided to hop in line. The standby queue line has a lot more to see than the FastPass line, which is helpful when you are waiting in a long line. The queue line starts outside and then works its way through an underground cave which takes you to research center that’s run by ACE. Once you make your way into the research center you will wind your way through the lab and get to see some interesting things, like the life size Avatar in a tank.
One of my favorite things I saw was the giant mural of an Avatar on a Banshee. This is located in the room you enter after the lobby. It’s also the last room you are in before they start separating people into different lines for the link chamber rooms. So once you see this mural you know you are almost on the ride.
This is one of the most detailed and immersive queues I have seen on Disney World property and it’s pretty cool to see. If you haven’t been through the standby queue line yet, I would try it out when you see the wait time is lower than usual. Showing up at least 90 minutes before park opening or going close to the time the park closes will help you get in line with a shorter wait time.
Thanks to everyone who played along this week and congratulations to those that knew where the display is located! We’ll play again next Wednesday!
Have you been through the Avatar Flight of Passage standby queue line?
Thanks for reading!