Last week I posted the above picture and asked for guesses as to where is it located. There were some really good guesses, but this one proved to be a bit tough.
No one was able to pinpoint the exact location, but Disney Dennis came close with Frontierland. The laundry is located in Frontierland, specifically it is located on the roof of the Frontier Trading Post. The picture below shows the laundry and the building. It’s one of those details that’s easy to miss because it’s on top of the building.
If you are a pin trader, then make sure you have Frontier Trading Post on your list of places to visit during your next trip. While there are a few other souvenirs in this store, it definitely concentrates on pins. There is a pretty big selection of pins available to purchase at this location. In addition to pins for purchase, this is also one of Magic Kingdom’s spots for pin trading, which is a pretty big hobby with Disney fans. Disney will allocate different locations in the parks as a pin trading spot, so keep this one on your list if you enjoy pin trading.
Congratulations to those who knew where to find the laundry and thanks to everyone who played along! Another Where is it Wednesday picture will be up soon. Are you a Disney pin trader?
Thanks for reading!