Last week I posted the above picture and asked for guesses as to where it is located. There were some really good guesses for this one, but Emma was the one able to correctly identify where the decoration is located. Congratulations Emma!
The decoration is located at The Hollywood Brown Derby in Hollywood Studios. This is an authentic replica of the famous Brown Derby that was located in Hollywood and became popular during the Golden Age of Hollywood. Not only is the building a replication, but there are also menu items from the original menu, the famous Cobb salad and the Grapefruit Cake.
One of the fun features of this restaurant are all the caricature celebrity drawings around the restaurant. The huge arches and large chandeliers give a dramatic feeling to the restaurant. Another fun feature of the restaurant are the derby sconces that decorate the walls in the restaurant. They’re really cute and unique to The Hollywood Brown Derby.
Thanks to everyone who played along this week! Another Where is it Wednesday picture will be soon!
Have you been to The Hollywood Brown Derby?
Thanks for reading!